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Franke.etal:1998d Franke, L.; Schumann, I. (1998): Causes and mechanisms of the decay of historic brick buildings in Northern Germany. In: Baer, N. S.; Fitz, S.; Livingston, R. A. (Hrsg.): The Conservation of Historic Brick Structures: Case Studies and Reports of Research,Donhead Publishing, Shaftesbury, United Kingdom 25-34.
Franke.etal:1998e Franke, L.; Schumann, I. (1998): Indoor brick damage: investigation of the roles of pore size and salts. In: Baer, N. S.; Fitz, S.; Livingston, R. A. (Hrsg.): The Conservation of Historic Brick Structures: Case Studies and Reports of Research,Donhead Publishing, Shaftesbury, United Kingdom 35-46.
Franke.etal:1998f Franke, L.; Schumann, I. (1998): Quantitative Betrachtung der Sulfatdeposition bei Sichtmauerwerksbauten = Fair-faced brick masonry: estimation of the deposition of sulphates. In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Bauinstandsetzen, 4 (4), 337-356
Franke.etal:1998h Franke, L.; Schumann, I.; Hees, R. P. J. van; Klugt, L. J. A. R. van der; Naldini, S.; Binda, L.; Baronio, G.; Balen, K. Van; Mateus, J. (1998): Damage Atlas. Classification of Damage Patterns found in Brick Masonry., Research Report No 8, European Commission, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.